January 9, 2011

Iraq The First Projects

A few years ago my husband, Jeremy McCommas, a member of the US Army, deployed to Iraq for a 15 month tour. During that time one of his army buddys brought with him a wood lathe to keep himself and who ever else who wanted to learn the art of wood turning busy during a time of war. This is how this hobby was started for us. When he returned home we decided to invest in a wood lathe of our own and the rest is history. People have given and collected wood for us to work with mostly our family and family friends. I have taken interest in the turning world and with his instruction we have been making projects ever since from pens and letter openers, cutting boards, wooden bowls, goblets, tea candle holders, and  more! The wooden canvas can be pretty much turned into what ever the mind can imagine and the hands create.

Here are a few photos of him and the projects he first made!

Jeremy Mccommas Iraq 2008
which bullet is the wooden bullet? Middle!
Top is a .50 Caliber BMG, middle is my wooden 7.62mm, bottom is a standard NATO 5.56mm

This was a piece of Iraqi wood he found around the base somewhere not sure what kind it was but it made a very pretty goblet.
small lidded box he made for his army pogs paper pogs given out as change in Iraq because real money change is too heavy.

pine wood vase he hand hollowed this one out.

a wooden top that actually spins!
This was a vase that never got hollowed out so we use it as a candle pillar. It is several different woods pieced together and made into one piece. I think it is red wood, purple heart, and lace wood.

his collection of Iraq wood projects!

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